How to Configure DHCP on Windows Server 2012

1. You should install the role

2. After you installed the DHCP Server, you should see the role in the Server Manager. You should also see the warning that you have to complete the DHCP Server configuration. Please click on "More" to open the detail information.

3. In the detail window please click on "Configure DHCP configuration" to start the Wizard.


4. The Install Wizard starts.

5. In the next step you can authorize the DHCP server to your active directory. You should do this because DHCP will update DNS and AD DS entry's directly after allocating IP to DHCP Client. The credential you choose should have Domain admin rights.

6. After this the DHCP will authorized to AD DS. In my lap this took 5 minutes.

7. Please be advised in Windows Server 2012 "closed" don't mean the configuration has finished. It only means that configuration will be done in Background. You can see thestatus by clicking on the Flag in the top of the Server Manager.

8. To configure a DHCP Scope we have to open the DHCP MMC. So please click "Tool" and than "DHCP".

9. In the DHCP MMC we click right on the DHCP Server and than on first on "Add/Remove Bindings..." 

10. Please check if your Binding is set on the right Network Interface if not please change it before you go on.

11. After you checked and changed the settings please click ok and go back in the DHCP MMC. Klick right on the DHCP IPv4 stack and select "New Scope".

12. The wizard starts. Klick "Next".

13. Select your Scope Name and a Description.

14. Now you have to select the IP range and the subnet, that will be managed by your server. To calculate the range you need you can use this online tool

15. Now you can select exclusion from DHCP e.g. static IPs or reservations and the delay.

16. Now you have to set the lease time. Lease means the time that a DHCP client keeps his IP before he ask the DHCP server again for a renewal. When you have a big IP scope and enough IP's and no special security audits in your company, you could keep 8 days. When you use DHCP for Wi-Fi connections or only a few IP's left, you should set the lease to maximum 2 days.

17. Here you can select if you want to configure the DNS, default gateway and WINS via wizard or later manually. In this guide I will configure the options with wizard. Later I will show you how to configure it manually.

18. At first we configure the default gateway. Normally this is a router or routable switch (Layer 3 Switch).


19. After this we configure the DNS Options that will provided via DHCP. First the Domain name. This should be the name of your DNS Zone that will be handled with this IPs and the DNS Servers. You can have as much DNS Servers as you need but mostly I see that Admins have 2 or 3 redundant DNS Servers.

Every entry you make will be checked. If an DNS Server is not reachable you will get a warning but you are able to enter the IP either.

20. Auf configuring DNS you can configure WINS.

21. We have nearly finished, now you can decide if you want to start the scope now ok later. Please select now. 

22. Now click "Finish" and the scrape will be installed and activated.

23. The DHCP MMC should look now nearly like this.

24. To check, please power on one of your Clients in this network and check with: Ipconfig /all if you get an IP and the settings you have entered in the DHCP Server.